Self-Defense. Feel secure at all times (PDF/ePub)

Artikel-Nr.: B45e_SELFDEF

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    This self-help book is suitable for men and women of any age. In the introductory section, you will find a wealth of valuable tips on how to react in everyday situations (such as in a multi-storey car park or in an elevator), thus making you feel more secure at all times. In particular, there are hard-and-fast tips on how you can defend yourself against a determined attacker.

    We have also gathered many tips concerning attacks by men against men and describe some of the types of attackers and their methods. A further section covers defense against dog attacks.

    Following on from this, you will find many effective techniques to help you deal with your protection and defense against physical assaults. There are many clear photos showing you, for example, how to deal with and defend against close combat attacks (e.g. bear hugs/clinches) or simply attacks using the fists as well as armed attacks (knife, stick, baseball bat and pistol). How to use everyday objects to defend yourself is also covered.

    A proficient expert in self-defense and the martial arts leads you along a realistic route, showing how you can defend yourself at any time.

    Product Information:
    253 pages
    Publisher: Meyer & Meyer Sport

    Available formats: PDF and ePub